Women, men, and all other genders, all come with their own set of attributes, predisposing factors, and influence of social constructs. In the current times, it has become imperative to explore and extend feminist and queer theories into counseling practices. Each gender is subject to socio-political, cultural, and personal experiences that aid in conceiving a multitude of mental health issues.
Psychological oppression of women and other genders in society is still a prevalent and dominant problem, which needs to be immediately addressed. The sole purpose is to establish an egalitarian relationship between the client and the therapist and honor diverse perspectives coming from a milieu of cultural and social contexts. While recognizing all kinds of oppression, Antar focuses on helping the clients to develop the strength to tackle the oppressive discourse in the society and dynamically manage personal mental health.
Antar intends to advance its services to the minority and the marginalized and attempt to make the marginalized viewpoint central. We wish to address the concerns of women; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and gender-variant individuals; people with special needs; immigrants; refugees; and more.